Saturday, February 29, 2020

Husband of Russian Instagramer Dies in Freak Dry Ice Accident

Three people were killed and six were in intensive care after an incident at Instagram influencer Ekaterina Didenko's 29th birthday in Moscow.  Her husband, Valentin Didenko, had unloaded 55 pounds of dry ice into the swimming pool in order to create a dramatic "visual effect."

The sudden infusion of dry rice resulted in a release of carbon dioxide large enough to induce acute poisoning of nearby partygoers-- essentially suffocating them.  Some guests were also reported to have suffered from chemical burns.  The 32-year-old Didenko was also among the dead.

Party-goers Natalia Monakova and Yuri Alferov, both 25, were confirmed dead at the scene.   The distraught Russian blogger who lost her husband and two friends in the horrific incident posted a video announcing their deaths.

According to reports, Valentin wanted the dry ice "to create an impressive steam show" as party guests jumped into the pool.  But as soon as the ice was poured, people started fainting.  Reports said Natalia Monakova and Yuri Alferov died from pulmonary edemas after breathing excessive carbon monoxide. Valentin Didenko was taken to intensive care but later died in the hospital.  The Russian Investigative Committee confirmed a case was opened into causing death by negligence.

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