Thursday, January 10, 2019

Zuckerberg Still in Utter Denial Over Facebook's Heinous Ways

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg delivered a tone-deaf year-end message, saying that he was “proud of the progress we’ve made.”   He compounded the damage by claiming he addressed such "challenges" as "preventing election interference, stopping the spread of hate speech and misinformation, making sure people have control of their information, and ensuring our services improve people’s well-being.”

He went on to say “We’ve fundamentally altered our DNA to focus more on preventing harm in all our services, and we’ve systematically shifted a large portion of our company to work on preventing harm.”

It didn’t take long for the critics to come through and say “really?” to Zuckerberg. Forbes said his message was “bizarrely worded” while TechCrunch said his “tone-deaf remarks read like 1,000 words of patting himself on the back.”

“Nothing about selling our data without our consent I see. I guess it’s just too deeply ingrained in Facebook’s ‘DNA'” said one user.

Another said, “Too bad u allowed access to ur users data. No need to put a lock on a door which has already been opened.”

This user did not mince words: “Here’s a New Year’s resolution for you Mr. Zuckerberg: Stop insulting our intelligence by referring to Facebook users as “our community.” We’re your PRODUCT and we now know you made a decision early on to sell us to the highest bidder, consequences be damned.”

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