Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Trump Shutdown Really Putting the Screws to Federal Workers

Fear of eviction, inability to pay their mortgages and failure to feed their children are among the real fears of federal workers. Real estate developer Donald Trump, who was responsible for thousands of cruel evictions over the years, is now going to be responsible for thousands more potential evictions.

Faye Smith, Security Guard at the Smithsonian Museum, standing in from of Sentator Mitch McConnell's office told reporters:
 “I’m here today to bring my bill for Mr. Mitch McConnell, to show him, if you’re not familiar, I want a ‘Second Chance’ [rent credit] program. I have to have my rent in on time. I have no more money coming in. I am a guard at The Smithsonian Institute and I need my rent paid and I have nothing and I need to know when is he going to open things back up because I’m about to be evicted. If I don’t have my rent in by the first of next month, through the ‘Second Chance’ program, I will be evicted.” 

Audrey Murrary, a janitor at the State Departmet, told a congressional panel:
“I am a single mother. I lost my husband last year. I bought me a house in the process, and I’m worried about how I’m going to pay my mortgage.” 

Angela Vasquez, a janitor at the Department of Agriculture, testified:
“It’s heartbreaking when my children come home from school hungry, open the fridge, and there’s nothing there. They ask me, ‘Mom, why is there no food, why haven’t you bought food?’ I tell them I’m going to go tomorrow. They don’t need to know what’s going on as it’s traumatic for them too. Therefore I ask the government to please reopen the buildings so we can continue with our struggle, what we do every day.”

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