Thursday, January 31, 2019

Carlson Made the Fool, Once Again

Perpetually confused Tucker Carlson engaged in a heated abortion debate this week and got handed his shit by pro-choice advocate Monica Klein.

Carlson began by asking about late-term abortion comments made by Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, but Kleinput him on notice right out of the gate: 

“I understand that you want to go back to a time where Roe v. Wade was illegal, where women were having back-alley abortions and they were using coat hangers to have abortions,” she said.

Carlson told Klein not to be “tiresome” and said, “Please don’t be a robot.” He also asked her to pause “as a woman” to think about the issue. 

Klein, perhaps emboldened by Carlson's weak response, steamed ahead, asking the Fox mouthpiece:

    “Have you asked yourself why you spend so much time talking about this rather than thinking about why your party is trying to repeal Roe v. Wade and control women’s bodies. Right now, there are seven states where there’s only one abortion clinic. There are four states with trigger bans where if Roe v. Wade is repealed, women cannot get reproductive healthcare. This is about a woman’s right to choose and you as a man should not have a single say in that.”

Carlson, clearly caught unawares, could only respond with, "Wow."  Friar Tucker meekly tried to steer the conversation back to late-term abortions, but Klein turned it around on him once again: 

“Your party is the one tearing families apart at the border and allowing children to die in federal custody,” Klein fired back. “Whose party is harming children?”

“Wow," Carlson lamely responded.  Eventually, Carlson realized that he was completely out of his element, and proceeded to wrap up the segment, saying   “This is obviously a pointless conversation and I think less of you after it, I have to say."

“I already think less of you, so don’t worry,” Klein replied.

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