Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Steve King Finally Held Accountable for Racist Views

The Daily Kos was quick to call out Rep. Steve King on his bullshit following the outcry over his New York times interview.  King, longtime promoter of white nationalist and even neo-Nazi talking points and activists, was quite obviously again attempting to normalize white supremacy by declaring supposed puzzlement as to why the term would be found "offensive."

There is nothing about Steve King's career that is fuzzy on the point. He began his political ambitions by demanding English-only laws, seeking via legislation and lawsuits to bar government officials from providing non-English-language services. He has been furiously anti-immigrant and wall-obsessed throughout his career. He repeats white supremacist warnings that the Other is out-breeding white America, threatening our "civilization." He famously sneered at immigrants brought to America by their parents as children, blasting efforts to legalize their status by claiming that for "every one who's a valedictorian, there's another 100 out there that weigh 130 pounds and they've got calves the size of cantaloupes" from hauling marijuana across the border.

But it has been in the last several years that King has embraced not just the talking points of racism, but white nationalist, supremacist, and neo-Nazi leaders. He has a fondness for toxic anti-Muslim Dutch racist Geert Wilders and boosted the far-right Marine Le Pen. He has promoted white supremacist tract "Camp of the Saints," a gaudy tale of white civilization's downfall at the hands of immigrants that has achieved cult status among neo-Nazi groups. He has on multiple occasions retweeted and endorsed the declarations of European white nationalist and neo-Nazi leaders.  And just before his latest re-election, he publicly endorsed an openly white-supremacist Toronto mayoral candidate.

King has been asked about white nationalism and white supremacy frequently. It is his most prominent national characteristic. He is not confused by the terms; he was not caught off-guard by the Times when it was brought up again. His response was to pretend to be confused as to why the ideology of white supremacy was considered offensive, the precise same rhetorical burp used by white supremacist groups themselves to claim respectability for their violent eliminationist views. It was no accident, and there was no question that he intended his answer as a defense of white supremacy as a legitimate public "question."

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