Sunday, January 17, 2021

Trump's Legacy: The COVID Death Cult

The Trump crazies are now, metaphorically speaking, slitting their own throats as uncontrolled COVID infections rage through their communities. These fact-free folks have turned their very lives over to an incompetent, impotent, and illegitimate buffoon and his administration along with Fox News and the GOP.

As we say good bye to the Trump administration, let us not forget that Trump and his cronies have presided over the deadliest days in U.S. history, knocking 9/11 clear out of the top ten:

NPR’s All Things Considered  has exposed this anti-science phenomenon as a sad and pathetic death blow to these people's lives as they harangue health-care workers at the grocery store, church, and in their own neighborhoods. Some workers have been shunned, and many of them are leaving the health care field and relocating as a result.

And what did these health care workers do to deserve their friend's vitriol, wrath, and fury? They encourage mask-wearing to prevent illness and death in the very same people that shame, threaten, and humiliate them.   Mask denial is a nationwide curse. Anti-science cretins puff out their chests in a ridiculous display to "own the libtards" by denying science, even medical science.

Rural hospitals and health centers have been reeling from a lack of resources for a long time. And let’s face it, health care workers are not and will not be knocking on the door for an interview or employment in a town that adds even more stress and anxiety in their lives.  According to Alan Morgan, the chief executive officer of the National Rural Health Association, "In community after community, all I hear about is workforce-- losing clinical staff, trying to attract clinical staff into these communities. It is taking up the full time of our members right now.”  Hospitals also tend to be among the largest employers in these small towns, and employee losses will add even more misery to a desperate situation in small-town, red America.

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