Wednesday, April 1, 2020

As If Risking Your Life to Care for Others Wasn't Enough

Coronavirus heroes are now getting tossed from their homes by scared landlords.  A Las Vegas nurse had  just finished her shift at St. Rose Hospital, where she works as an emergency-room nurse, when she received an email from her landlord labeled “Quick Action Needed.”  Her landlord—a quiet, older woman who lived downstairs from Jones and her husband—informed her that she would need to vacate the premises within 24 hours.

The reason, she said, was COVID-19.    “I don’t want interaction or debate over this decision,” the landlord wrote in emails reviewed by The Daily Beast. “I’m sorry for the abrupt notice, but given the situation, it’s the choice I’m making to protect myself.”  Kadey Carter, a travel nurse in Missouri, told The Daily Beast that multiple Airbnb hosts had canceled her reservations in recent weeks after learning she was a nurse. “They’re apologetic but they’re just like, ‘basically for our protection right now, we’re not comfortable with that,’” she said.

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