Thursday, April 9, 2020

Actions Speak Louder than Words

In the wake of Trump's boasting of "big, strong, powerful" companies stepping up to provide desperately needed services in a pandemic that is likely to kill at least 100,000 Americans, ProPublica went looking for instances of Donald Trump's own companies providing similar charitable support. As in, any. Even a bit.

They couldn't find any.  As high-end New York City and Chicago hotels stepped up to provide rooms for medical personnel or isolated patients, did Trump's own hotels step forward? Nope.  Did any of Trump's myriad properties offer up hand sanitizer, cleaning supplies, or anything else?  In California? In Florida? Virginia? Anywhere? Nope.

What about cash? They at least have a little cash to spare, right? Nope.

The CEO of Las Vegas' Three Square Food Bank was able to gather 180 tons of donated food from the city's now-shuttered major casinos in just two days—donations from the MGM, Wynn, Boyd Gaming, Station Casios and Ceasars, among others—plus financial donations as well.  So what about Trump, who has a tall, yellow casino tower of his own?  No, they have not been a donor.

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