Friday, July 20, 2007

Journalistic Digression on Décolletage

The Wapo has apparently just discovered that Hillary Clinton has breasts!

In the article by Robin Givhan (who also provided crack reporting on the types of scarves worn by Nancy Pelosi on her trip to Syria), she breathlessly writes:

"It was startling to see that small acknowledgment of sexuality and femininity peeking out"

. . .

"The cleavage [was] an exceptional kind of flourish."

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"The cleavage stirs the same kind of discomfort that might be churned up after spotting Rudy Giuliani with his shirt unbuttoned just a smidge too far. No one wants to see that. But really, it was more like catching a man with his fly unzipped. Just look away!"

. . .

"There was the sense that you were catching a surreptitious glimpse at something private. You were intruding -- being a voyeur."

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"To display cleavage in a setting that does not involve cocktails and hors d'oeuvres is a provocation."

I'm not sure whether to feel more embarrassed for Clinton or for the Washington Post.

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