Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Trump Desperate for Legitimancy From the Queen; She Thought He Was Rude

Queen Elizabeth found Donald Trump "very rude", a sensational new biography of the late monarch claims. The sovereign, who hosted the Orange Man twice during her reign, is said to have 'particularly disliked' the way he looked over her shoulder as if 'in search of others more interesting'.

She also mused over his relationship with his wife Melania and said she believed they must have 'some sort of arrangement'.   The astonishing claims are made by Craig Brown in his new book, A Voyage Around The Queen.'  He reports the conversation occurred at a lunch 'weeks after' one of Mr Trump's visits. 

Brown writes: "Over the course of her reign, Her Majesty entertained many controversial foreign leaders, including Bashar al-Assad, Robert Mugabe, Idi Amin, Donald Trump, Emperor Hirohito and Vladimir Putin. She may not have found their company convivial; upon their departure, she may even have voiced a discreet word of disapproval."

"A few weeks after President Trump's visit, for instance, she confided in one lunch guest that she found him "very rude": she particularly disliked the way he couldn't stop looking over her shoulder, as though in search of others more interesting.  She also believed President Trump "must have some sort of arrangement" with his wife Melania, or else why would she have remained married to him?"

"For his part, Donald Trump was confident he had been her favorite guest ever. "There are those that say they have never seen the Queen have a better time, a more animated time," he later told America's Fox News." The embarrassing account will no doubt come as a blow to Trump, who is currently seeking re-election as President.

The Queen first met Trump in 2018, a year after he was inaugurated as the 45th US President. As a result of his political toxicity it was not a 'state visit' but classed as a 'working visit', which meant little in the way of pomp and pageantry and no state banquet.  His meeting with the Queen instead took place over tea at Windsor Castle, which most of the other senior royals refused to attend, but did involve the inspection of a guard of honor.    Shockingly,Trump kept the then 92-year-old monarch waiting for ten minutes in 80 degree heat and repeatedly walked in front of her as they inspected the guard of honor, leaving her trailing behind.   He then abruptly stopped and forced her to sidestep to get alongside him.  Trump advisors later revealed that Trump was 'awestruck' by the Queen, and saw a meeting with her as a sign that he 'had made it in life'.  

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