Tuesday, November 3, 2020

What Is At Stake Today

As the nation heads to the polls, it is time to acknowledge the Titanic-level incompetence and malfeasance of the Trump administration.   But his ignorance is just the tip of a large fascistic (some say criminal) enterprise that Trump leads-- sowing divisions, promoting hate and displaying authoritarian tendencies.

Early on, political observers could see the signs of a pronounced era of extremism ushered in by Trump's election

Trump has presided over an American where even so-called "impartial" judges fail to protect voters and uphold bans on open carry of guns at voting places.

Trump has actively encouraged the formation of militia groups that later stormed capitals in Michigan and Virginia.

We even have the case of the law enforcement–obsessed 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who was charged with shooting and killing two people and injuring another in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during protests for Jacob Blake-- he was later discovered to have sat in the front row at a Donald Trump rally earlier in the year.

In the late stages of the campaign, convoys of Trump supporters took to the road around the nation-- one in Austin actually surrounded a Biden campaign bus on the highway to San Antonio, forcing it to slow down, and trying to run it off the road.  As a result, a planned campaign event was cancelled and the FBI is investigation.

A few hundred vehicles draped with banners supporting President Donald Trump snarled traffic around the New York metropolitan area two days before Election day and anti-Trump protesters clashed with police in Manhattan, leading to 11 arrests.

In Fort Worth, Texas, a pro-Trump caravan (more incredibly, escorted by local police) attempted to intimidate voters in a predominantly Black area of the city.

In California, a massive caravan of Donald Trump supporters paraded for 60 miles through Riverside County before converging on a large Temecula sports park, blocking access to a voting site, snarling traffic and intimidating voters.

Hopefully, Americans will see their way through these despicable tactics and put an end to this dark stain on our history.

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