Monday, November 16, 2020

Goodbye Jared!

A farewell message to Jared Kushner from the brilliant team at

Who ever imagined the world would open so many doors, to give you so many options? But really, for a bright young man who knows how things work, why not?  Coronavirus medical logistics expert, Middle East peace negotiator, campaign manager, criminal justice reformer, technology implementer, government systems innovator—that was you, all of it, all you.

 But you couldn't quite navigate the halls of private school parenting, could you?  You were so self-centered and boorish (or unable to stand up to your father in law) that you’d rather upend your children’s education and social life than wear a slightly uncomfortable piece of cloth over your face every once in a while.

Now what? Reach into the pocket of your skinny suit, and get out your phone.  Try sending another encrypted DM to your good friend and fellow global dignitary Mohammed bin Salman to see what’s up, what you can do for him.  What? “Safety number changed.”  Huh, how about that.  Scroll down, try another name, maybe one of the Chinese oligarchs?  Nothing there, either. The Kuwaitis?  Hmm. Oh, that incoming call?  That’s your mortgage lender.  Good luck!

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