Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Misstate of the Union

We just heard a very long speech that was incredibly short on details and specific proposals that might help bridge the gap in congress.  Without anything specific or concrete to latch onto, we are only able to walk away focusing on a few of the most stupendously ignorant flourishes-- his claim that the only thing standing in the way of peace and prosperity are investigations, and his statement that "If I had not been elected President of the United States, we would right now be in a war with North Korea."

And despite all the talk on immigration, he refused to even mention the shutdown-- even though he is threatening to have yet another one.   And with all his historical references, Trump brought to mind a comparison to Nixon and his last state of the union.  Like Nixon before him, Trump also made a plea to congress to stop investigating him. 

As it was so obvious before the speech, it is even more so now-- that Trump is politically weak.  Instead of using the night to reach out and build his coalitions and he pandered only to his narrow base (demonizing immigrants, threatening abortion rights, promoting charter schools and scaring people about socialism). 

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