Friday, February 8, 2019

Ann Coulter Goes on Racist Rant on Twitter

Conservative political pundit Ann Coulter, often at the centre of controversy for her anti-immigrant views went on Twitter and blasted an Asian American reporter who published an article about Immigration and Customs Enforcement senior advisor Jon Feere, and how much he likes Coulter’s “racist immigration writings.”

Some of the articles Eric Hananoki cited in his piece, written by Coulter, included Islamophobic comments, including "What's the upside of admitting 250,000 poor, culturally backward, non-English-speaking Muslims every year? We want remarkable Americans, not immigrants whose selling point is: 'hasn't blown anything up yet'.”

Hananoki, an investigative reporter for Media Matters received a barrage of insulting tweets from Coulter about his ethnicity.

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