Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Creating Jobs, GOP Style

When the GOP won back the house last November, they kept saying the first order of business would be to focus on jobs.  Turns out it was pure crap.

First, they staged a pointless "repeal" of the health care law-- which was quickly forgotten, since most Americans favor the policy changes ushered in by that legislation.

The next order of business for the GOP was to monitor everyone's internet usage.  They are now reviving legislation that would require internet providers to maintain 2 years' worth of browsing history for later review by police.

But that's not enough.  Before they tackle job growth, the Republicans want to focus on gay marriage.  They will next pursue new legislation that would reinstate a ban on gay marriage in Washington, DC.

If you're looking to the GOP for a job, all you're going to get is a snow job.

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