Saturday, January 17, 2009

In Case You Weren't Paying Attention, Your Constitutional Rights Just Went Down The Drain

I'm sure that many folks weren't worried about the recent Supreme Court ruling which said that evidence obtained from defective/bogus search warrants were still admissible in courts. In their minds, they must be thinking "oh-- the police would never fake a search warrant-- that only happens in the movies". Well think again.

Just days after the ruling was announced, it was reported that 11 police officers in California were fired for lying to judges to obtain search warrants. So, yes-- it happens everyday. And yes, one has to consider that it could happen to us-- in this day and age of rampant suspicious of terrorism, illegal immigrants, religious intolerance, sexual puritanism and racial divisiveness, it's very probable that the government would be interested in searching your home or computer records. And all it would take is one eager, ethically-challenged bureaucrat . . .

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