Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Daily Dude Responds To Bush's Farewell Speech

So you have gratitude, huh George? You better thank God that you won't be prosecuted for war crimes.

You say you remember standing in the rubble? Do you remember paying attention to the briefing on August 6, 2001 when you were warned that terrorists were going to hijack planes?

Vowed to do everything to keep us safe? Our infrastructure has been horribly neglected; you failed to get Bin Laden.

Afghanistan has improved? They're still the world's leading heroin producer and girls are still getting acid thrown in their faces.

Seven years without another terrorist attack? What about the anthrax attacks-- did we ever solve those cases?

You think it's an honor to the military and their families by letting conditions at Walter Reed get so deplorable? How about eavesdropping on the phone sex of overseas military?

You say that people who live in freedom do not willingly choose leaders who pursue campaigns of terror? What about Hamas?

You say America is promoting human liberty, human rights and human dignity? What about Guantanamo? Renditioning? Do you think Americans like being spied on?

Expanding opportunity and hope you say? You failed at immigration reform! More people are without health insurance than when you entered office eight long years ago . . .

Do you really think air and water are cleaner? You muzzled scientists at EPA and gutted environment regulations!

You say the federal bench has "wise" new members? They just voted yesterday that the police can make up bogus search warrants and still use the illegal evidence against us in court.

You safeguarded the economy? You nearly destroyed the economy! Unemployment skyrocketed during your eight years in office. You let spending get completely out of control!

Yes, sir-- you did have setbacks. Your prescription drug program is a mess; you failed to fix social security.

And no, sir-- our nation/the world is not safer. The world is more at war than eight years ago; more countries openly despise and oppose the U.S. than ever before

You like to speak of "moral clarity"-- what about lying to us to justify going to war? What about committing war crimes by torturing detainees?

You say murdering the innocent to advance an ideology is wrong every time-- does that include murdering innocent Iraqis to advance Cheney/Rumsfeld's neocon ideology?

Yes, I agree with you that our nation inspires immigrants to risk everything for the dream of freedom-- as long as they don't get caught up by cruel, draconian anti-immigrant laws and get shipped out of the country by ICE.

Yes, the citizens of New Orleans have faced danger and trial-- and for them, there is more ahead since you failed to rebuild the levies to withstand another Katrina-level flood.

Goodbye and good riddance. Don't let the Oval Office door hit your ass on the way out.

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