Thursday, June 13, 2024

Former Trump Stooge Steve Bannon Headed to Jail Ranting About Revenge

Former Trump advisor and convicted criminal Steve Bannon is due to report to federal prison on July 1 to begin a four-month prison sentence for contempt of Congress. But he clearly has plenty of contempt remaining to give, and he’s directing it at the entire legal system.

On Saturday, Bannon turned his anger toward former FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, threatening both with imprisonment or worse. "Get your passport, get the hell out of the country because hey, we're coming,” Bannon said, warning that a second Trump term would mean that Comey and McCabe would be targeted for persecution.

Bannon’s statements may seem like a tantrum being thrown by someone about to spend several long weeks in a very small room, but his statements are concerning to law enforcement officials. They serve as a reminder that when Donald Trump and his associates talk about “revenge” and “retribution” they don’t mean seeing that political opponents face the consequences of any illegal actions; They mean going after political opponents simply for being political opponents.   “We will hunt you down," Bannon said. 

Bannon still has criminal charges pending in the state of New York for related to money laundering, conspiracy and fraud in connection to the $25 million "We Build the Wall" scheme.


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