Thursday, April 6, 2023

Pissed Over Poop Bags

A brutal note left for local dog walkers by an angry resident has sparked a huge debate on Reddit over a common habit many have been guilty of.

It's a struggle that every dog owner can relate to-- trying to find a suitable bin to put their pooch's poo in while out on a walk.  Often times walkers will find suitable bins in their local parks or fields, but when out and about, they may resort to other options. Wheelie bins can often be a deposit for dog poo bags. Suppose it's better than leaving shit on the ground, right? Well, maybe not, according to this Reddit thread.

It's not illegal to put dog poo in somebody else's bin, but it could be seen as rude, apparently.  One resident got particularly riled up with this and left a poison pen letter to dog walkers on his bin, blasting dog owners in his area for depositing poo in his bin.  The note reads: "I will find out who you are throwing your dog shit in my rubbish. Shame on you take it to your home. Rude bitch."

A picture of the potty-mouthed note made its way onto Reddit, as a fellow dog owner wrote: "A huge argument has kicked off in my town's Facebook group regarding putting dog poo bags in someone else's wheelie bin.  Personally I don’t mind when people put their dog poo bags in my wheelie bin, especially if it's out on the pavement ready for collection.  I'd much rather it be in my bin than having dog poo all over the pavement. What are your opinions regarding wheelie bin dog poo drop offs?"

This sparked a debate on Reddit, although most seemed to side with the man writing the note, as they agreed it wasn't advisable to put trash in other's bins.  One commenter wrote: "My opinion is don't do it. Bag it, take it home or use a public bin.  Nine times out of ten it's fine in someone else's bin, but that one time means you've put it in the 'wrong' bin and they won't be able to have their bins emptied."

Another commenter said, "Other people's wheelie bins are theirs, and importantly their responsibility, they're not there for your convenience."  "I don't personally ever use them as general public waste bins, and certainly wouldn't for 'offensive' litter like dog poo," opined another.

Another person took things a step further as they commented: "Anyone who does this deserves to be made to live in the bin with the festering poo for a fortnight until the next collection. I went to get my recycling bin yesterday and someone had put a bag of poo in it. Not only is that going to stink, but it messes up the recycling and if the binmen see it they'll refuse to take the bin."


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