Monday, December 6, 2021

Snake vs. Snake

In nightmarish news, a man’s penis began to rot after he was attacked by a cobra while sitting on the loo.

The 47-year-old Dutch man was on safari in South Africa when he ended up having to undergo reconstructive surgery on his penis because the snake which was chilling in the toilet, bit him on the pecker, causing him to suffer from scrotal necrosis (infection of the scrotum).

According to the medical journal Urology Case Reports, the man had to wait three hours before he was flown by helicopter to the nearest trauma center some 220 miles away.  “His penis and scrotum were noted to be swollen, deep purple in color, and painful on hospital admission. Scrotal necrosis was diagnosed, and he received multiple doses of a non-specific snake venom antiserum and broad-spectrum antibiotics,” it said.

The man reported vomiting and a burning sensation as well as pain that shot up from his groin into the abdomen and upper chest.  He also needed hemodialysis because of acute kidney injury before he had reconstructive surgery to fix his penis. The man spent nine days in hospital before returning to Holland.

A plastic surgeon used dead tissue and a graft from his groin to restore his penis to normal. The man made a full recovery.  And we thought encountering a lion or getting sunburn was the most dangerous thing that could happen on safari.


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