Wednesday, September 30, 2020

We All Saw The Real Donald Trump Last Night

What everyone saw last night was a Trump that was crazy, unhinged, lying, sweaty, disheveled, angry, petulant and completely incapable of making any argument about why he deserves four more years.

Even worse, Trump continued his support for white supremacists.  During the 2016 presidential campaign, he refused several times to disavow the endorsement from former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. When white supremacists organized a deadly rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, the following year, Trump responded by insisting there were “very fine people on both sides” of the event. Trump has defended 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who killed two Black Lives Matter protesters, by saying he acted in self defense.   Federal law enforcement officials have repeatedly cited white supremacist violence as the top terror threat to the U.S.

Yet, when pressed during the debate to condemn white supremacist violence (and specifically the Proud Boys--a neo-fascist hate group), Trump said, "Proud Boys-- Stand back and stand by."  His statement shocked onlookers, who viewed it expressing support and encouragement to the neo-fascist group.  The Proud Boys were celebratory, posting online an image with its logo incorporating Trump's remark.  

CNN's Van Jones put it this way: 

"Only three things happened for me tonight. Number 1, Donald Trump refused to condemn white supremacy. Number 2, the president of the United States refused to condemn white supremacy. Number 3, the commander and chief refused to condemn white supremacy. On the global stage. In front of my children. In front of everybody’s families. He was given the opportunity multiple times to condemn white supremacy. And he gave a wink and a nod to a racist, Nazi, murderous organization that is now celebrating online. That is now saying we have got a go ahead. Look at what the Proud Boys are doing right now online because the president of the United States refused to condemn white supremacy. That’s the only thing that happened tonight!"
In a poll of debate watchers conducted by Social Science Research Solutions, 60% of those who watched the debate said that Biden won.  Only 28% rated Trump as the winner, even though 43% thought (beforehand) that Trump would win.  In that same poll, 60% said that Biden was more truthful in his answers (vs. 29% for Trump).  In addition, 69% of debate watchers said that Biden's attacks were fair, while only 32% said that Trump's attacks  were fair.


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