Thursday, August 27, 2020

GOP Convention Was a Never-ending Stream of Bullshit

I decided to take a look at the RNC last night, and it was non-stop delusions and lies.  What follows is only a short list, since I couldn't write fast enough to keep up with all the malarkey:

 Burgess Owens, the Republican nominee in Utah’s Fourth Congressional District, said that  popular members of congress "promote the same socialism my father fought against in World War II."  The U.S. was NOT fighting any kind of socialism in WWII-- they were fighting the Nazis.  Yes, the Nazi's may have had the word "socialist" in the name of their party, but their policies were NOTHING like those of Bernie Sanders.  Did these morons even pass high school history?

Representative Elise Stefanik of New York called Trump's impeachment illegal.  Come on, sweet pea-- impeachment is in the Constitution; it's legal.

Representative Dan Crenshaw of Texas said that Trump brought troops home from overseas like he promised.  Except for the fact that there are 10,000 more troops in the Middle East now than there were during the Obama administration.  Ooops!

Former Notre Dame Coach Lou Holtz said that protesters blame others for problems--  they don't have pride in our country.  He also said, "[Protesters] no longer ask "what can i do for my county?"-- only what the country  should be doing for them.  They don't have pride in themselves."  I can hardly comment on this tone-deaf nonsense-- America was built on political protests!  People who risk injury and arrest standing up for their beliefs are more courageous and proud of their county than most Americans.

Iowa Senator Joni Ernst said that Joe Biden would ban animal agriculture and eliminate gas-powered cars.  WTF?!!!

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said that "Trump stands by Americans with pre-existing conditions."  Another prime piece of bullshit.  Trump has repeatedly tried to get bills through Congress to weaken Obamacare, and the Trump administration is currently in court trying to OVERTURN Obamacare.

Lara Trump said that 4.3 million jobs have been created by Trump during his presidency.  Incorrect-- as of July, women have suffered a net 3 million LOSS in jobs during the Trump presidency.

Lara Trump also claimed that the 19th Amendment gave every woman the right to vote.  That was incorrect-- States were still allowed to use poll taxes and other voter suppression tactics (already used across the country to deny voting rights to Black men)  to keep Black women from voting. They could, and did, use those same tactics against Hispanic women.  I'll give her a pass on this one, as most people make the same mistake.

A terribly confused Clarence Henderson said that Donald Trump has done more for African Americans in four years than Joe Biden has done in 50.  You gotta be fucking kidding me.

Richard Grenell trotted out on old conspiracy theory-- that the Obama-Biden administration secretly launched a surveillance operation on the Trump campaign.

And finally Mike Pence.  He first said that four years ago, Trump inherited an economy struggling to break out of the slowest recovery since the great depression.  Fact:  Economic numbers show that average quarterly economic growth under Trump, 2.5 percent, was almost exactly what it was under Obama in the second term, 2.4 percent.

Pence also promised that "We will have law and order on the streets of America."  We are currently in Trump's America, are we not?  Is Pence admitting  that we don't have law and order now?

Pence also tried again to claim credit for passing Veteran's choice.  This is one of Trump/Pence's most obvious lies-- Obama is the one who actually signed the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act in 2014.

Pence also claimed (for the umpteenth time) that Trump suspended all travel from China.  In actuality, Trump implemented only a partial ban-- which still allowed tens of thousands from China to get through.

Pence also claimed that Biden wants open borders-- another widely and repeatedly disproven lie.  Biden does NOT support unrestricted immigration.

For an administration that has done such a poor job managing the coronavirus crisis and has tanked the economy in the process, I guess living in fantasyland is the only thing that will help them sleep at night.   I hope all these GOP toadies are updating their resumes!


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