Monday, May 11, 2020

Are We Done Yet With the Bogus Sex Allegations Against Biden?

Tara Reade, who backed out of a CNN interview, as the spotlight got a little to glaring, later agreed to a softball interview by disgraced former FOX anchor  Megyn Kelly.  Kelly failed to conduct due diligence on Reade's background or ask her about key holes in her story that had come to light prior to the interview.

Reade has given four different reasons she left DC in her own online writings:
1. Her boyfriend and future husband asked her to come with him when he was offered a job in the Midwest. (This was an article about her husband's domestic abuse).

2. She was pressured to resign by senior staff who harassed her after they said Biden wanted her to serve drinks and she refused (Biden never asked her directly).

3. She left because of U.S. imperialism and xenophobia (the Russia article).

4. And in a tweet, she said Biden himself fired her.
And then in the Kelly interview she implied that she was fired after she filled out an intake form complaining about sexual harassment.   But  Reade told the Associated Press last year: "They have this counseling office or something, and I think I walked in there once, but then I chickened out."  Another missed opportunity for Kelly to engage in some real journalism.

Senate sources later admitted that if Reade's claims to the AP were true, then Biden's office would not have been notified of any complaint against him, and the process would end

But it now seems that the real reason for Reade's departure from the Senate has coming to light.  Twitter users (before the Kelly interview, another botched opportunity) had searched through public records and discovered that Reade had been charged with check fraud right about the time she left the Biden office.  So it's looking more and more like she was forced to resign in lieu of termination. 

In the interview, Reade also claimed to have reached out to the Kamala Harris campaign to get her story out.   A senior advisor to Kamala Harris later said that there is “no record of any request from a Tara Reade or an Alexandra Tara Reade," adding that they would take a request of that sort very seriously.

I'm with Bill Maher:

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