Monday, January 27, 2020

Scottish Man Uses Manual Transmission on a Truck

It appears to be a case of a man getting wood at the sight of a fence.

An elderly couple recently testified in a Scottish court that they saw 36-year-old David Bruce  – who appeared to be drunk – pull his pants down, masturbate and simulate having sex with both a fence and the hood of a minibus.

76-year-old George Nisbet told court he had just finished walking his dog that day when the incident occurred.  From an upstairs window, he and his wife Kathleen Nisbet witnessed the man urinating against a wooden fence.

“He then started rubbing his private parts up and down on the fence. It was as if he was trying to have sex with the fence." 

Kathleen Nisbet testified she heard someone singing outside and thought it was a soccer supporter celebrating a victory.  “Then I heard banging and looked outside,” she said. “There was a man singing at the top of his voice.”

She then saw the man jump onto the hood of a minibus and tried to have sex with the vehicle.  “He was making thrusting movements and by this time his trousers were down,” she said.

“He was wandering about with his trousers at his ankles and then approached a woman. He was staggering about and then started masturbating for two or three minutes. Eventually, he fell down on somebody’s sidewalk.”

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