Monday, August 19, 2019

Trump Administration Confirms Efforts to Purchase Greenland

White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow has confirmed Trump's interest in the purchase of Greenland, before Trump spoke to reporters as he left New Jersey to return from vacation to Washington.

Trump's efforts to buy Greenland, reported last week, was greeted internationally with widespread hilarity but with indignation in Greenland and Denmark.  The government of the semi-autonomous Danish territory insisted it was not for sale. The Danish prime minister called any discussion of a sale “absurd”.

“I don’t want to predict it now,” Kudlow said yesterday. “I’m just saying the president, who knows a thing or two about buying real estate, wants to take a look at a potential Greenland purchase.”

Trump has claimed (without offering evidence) that ownership of Greenland was “hurting Denmark very badly because they’re losing almost $700m a year carrying it. So they carry it at a great loss and strategically for the United States it would be very nice and we’re a big ally of Denmark, we protect Denmark and we help Denmark and we will.”

Danish prime minister Mette Frederiksen told reporters, “Greenland is not for sale. Greenland is not Danish. Greenland belongs to Greenland. It’s an absurd discussion, and [Greenland prime minister] Kim Kielsen has of course made it clear that Greenland is not for sale. That’s where the conversation ends.”

Greenlanders have expressed horror. One, Else Mathiesen, told local media: “You can’t just buy an island or a people. This sounds like something from the era of slavery and colonial power.”

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