Thursday, June 27, 2019

Russian Man Rescued After Being Kept as Food in a Bear Den

A Russian man looking like a living corpse has been rescued from a bear den after he claims the animal broke his back and left him there for a month.

The man, who identified himself only as Alexander, was discovered by hunting dogs in Russia's remote Tuva region, close to the border with Mongolia.

Initially the hunters thought the body had been mummified by the dry air but were stunned to discover that the man was still alive.

Shocking photos show how Alexander's face and body were encrusted with dried blood and dirt, his was skin a deathly white color, and his dull eyes were barely able to open. 

t is not clear exactly when Alexander was found, but he has told doctors the attack happened roughly a month ago.

Brown bears have been known to partially or completely bury animals they kill or carrion they find, sometimes waiting for days or weeks before returning to it.

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