Friday, October 5, 2018

Supremely Unqualified

Well, it looks like we're going to have a (ahem, alleged) rapist on the Supreme Court, folks.  Oh-- and a liar too (remember the stolen emails).  Notwithstanding those accusation, it should be clear from Kavanaugh's partisan rant at his confirmation hearing that he is ill-suited in temperament to even be a judge (much less a Supreme Court judge).   Journalist Naomi Klein characterized Kavanaugh as "a snarling gargoyle who can be counted on not just to defend himself but the whole damn frat known as the Republican Party and its billionaire backers-- against all threats to their power and wealth."

It's interesting that all of these privileged white men so easily  dismiss the accusations of assault from a woman yet so easily accept the accusations of men over the years who have leveled pedophilia accusation against catholic priests without a shred of corroborating evidence.  Oh, to be a privileged white man in America!  Obama is long gone and #MeToo be damned-- you have nothing to fear as long as Trump and the GOP steer the agenda. 

And now come reports of this disgusting meme that has been making the GOP rounds of late-- "Beers for Brett"-- which seems to celebrate his habitual abuse of alcohol while underage.  And many of these social media posts also seem to make light of sexual assault.

After Kavanaugh is confirmed, the legitimacy of the Supreme Court will now be called into question (remember his threat of "what comes around, goes around"?).  As a result of his shouting, scowling, sniffling and weeping performance before congress, there is wide expectation that Kavanaugh will prove be a judge eager to retaliate against his perceived detractors.   What will be interesting is whether Kavanaugh will become a virtual pariah on the court, serving out his term on the fringe like Clarence Thomas (who rarely asks questions in open court and has never been trusted to write a majority opinion in a landmark case).  Time will tell.

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