Sunday, November 15, 2009

Whalin' On Palin

Sarah Palin quotes are starting to roll in from the upcoming "Going Rogue"

On getting punked into a fake phone call from the "President of France":
"It didn't surprise [me] too much that we'd be speaking with the French leader . . . He's got to be drunk, I thought. I didn't want to offend the president of France, but this was getting stupid. Right away [after the end of the call], the phones started ringing. One of the first calls was Schmidt, and the force of his screaming blew my hair back. "How can anyone be so stupid?! Why would the president of France call a vice presidential candidate a few days out?!"
On the disastrous Couric interview:
“I have had better interviews. I choked on a couple of responses, and in the harried pace of the campaign, I mistakenly let myself become annoyed and frustrated with many of her repetitive, biased questions."
On Hillary Clinton:
"Should Secretary Clinton and I ever sit down over a cup of coffee, I know that we will fundamentally disagree on many issues, but my hat is off to her hard work on the 2008 campaign trail."
On the McCain campaign's strategy of restricting media access to Palin:
"Aboard the campaign plane I was within twenty-five feet of reporters for hours on end. Headquarters’ strategy was that I should not go to the back of the aircraft and talk to the press. At first this was subtle, but as the campaign wore on, Tracey or Tucker would call headquarters to request permission, and someone in DC would respond, “No! Absolutely not- block her if she tries to go back.”
On her diet:
"I love meat. I eat pork chops, thick bacon burgers, and the seared fatty edges of a medium-well-done steak. But I especially love moose and caribou. I always remind people from outside our state that there's plenty of room for all Alaska's animals -- right next to the mashed potatoes."
On the material Saturday Night Live's writers gave her:
"I looked at the script. It wasn't all that funny. SNL writers had taken the campaign's 'Drill, baby drill" mantra and turned it into a risque double entendre about Todd and me. I thought, Nah. C'mon, New York talent, we can do better than that."

I'll pass along other choice excerpts as I come across them-- there's no need for any of us to waste money on this crap.

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