Saturday, April 21, 2007

Abu Gonzales: Dead Man Walking

According to widely quoted sources, everybody working for Bush at the White House thinks AG should go. In the past, Bush has stubbornly refused to bow to pressure on issues like this, only relenting when he thinks there's an appearance he isn't caving in to his critics. After being pounded by the Hill on Thursday, it must be terribly difficult for AG to continue on with his normal routine. A lot of other folks are thinking along the same lines:
You certainly couldn't blame Attorney General Alberto Gonzales if he chose to skip the celebrity-journalist-politician jumble that is tonight's White House Correspondents' Association dinner. Indeed, anyone who suffered through hours of testimony on Thursday in which both Republican and Democratic senators pounced on you as if you were an African gazelle would be forgiven for choosing to stay at home with a tub of Ben & Jerry's, watching a Bravo marathon of "Top Chef."

But, as of this writing, Gonzales will attend as a guest of USA Today. Perhaps he'll be following the example of Molly Ringwald's character in "Pretty in Pink," who, having been dumped by Andrew McCarthy and humiliated in the hallways of school, comes to the prom anyway. There she reclaims her dignity in a killer home-stitched dress and wins back the guy.

Okay, it's doubtful that Gonzales can follow in Ringwald's footsteps and win back a town that's turned its collective back on him.
Check out this New York Times piece on how Bush (with little or no credibility left) has left AG to twist in the wind in much the same way as Paul Wolfowitz.

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