Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Brit Binge Boy Batters Bar Babe

A binge drinking ex-public schoolboy is facing charges in Britain, where details of his brutal crime hit the press last week. 24-year-old Adam Thomas picked up a strange girl on Valentine's Day and battered her to death after telling her 'I am the Grim Reaper'. He also boasted he got a sexual thrill out of kicking and beating her to death and said the killing was 'enjoyable and fun'.

Thomas was highly intelligent and had passed nine GCSEs and three A levels before starting a degree at Portsmouth University and dropping out after two years. He started binge drinking and had become so hooked on alcohol his mother confiscated his bank card to stop him buying it.

Thomas, of Trinfield Road, Exmouth, denies murder and the prosecution have rejected his plea of manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility. He is a former pupil of the £9,000 a year Exeter School. Prosecutor Martin Meeke said it is accepted Thomas had a psychopathic personality disorder but was intelligent enough to know what he was doing and realize it was wrong.

According to reports, Thomas had drunk at least five pints of lager before going to the club where he drank Carling, champagne, and Sambucca before picking up his victim. He later told police he could not even remember her name or what she was wearing. He said he was not interested in her and they did not have sex. They went back to her flat and listened to country and western music for two hours before he attacked her. He punched her to the ground, stamped on her so hard the pattern of his trainers was left on her face and battered her to death with a half brick she used as a doorstop.

Thomas allegedly told the first policeman to arrive at the scene 'I fucking stamped on her head, I fucking loved it. I killed someone. Big fucking deal." Thomas is also believed to have also told police he got a sexual thrill out of the act of killing.

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