Saturday, May 12, 2007

License to Offend?

Heather Morijah, of Rapid City, South Dakota, had very strong views on the Bush administration and its role in taking the country to war in Iraq. So last fall, she paid the $25 extra to get vanity plates for her Toyota Prius. Her request: MPEACHW.

The plates arrived, no problem. That is, until she go a letter on April 18 from the DMV.

The agency “is in receipt of a written complaint about your personalized plates,” the letter says. “With this complaint I am sorry to inform you that the set of plates MPEACHW are being recalled. . . . You will have 10 days from the date of receiving this letter to surrender the plates.”

The ACLU advised her not to hand her over her plates and urged Morijah to speak to the press-- resulting in stories by the AP and CNN, as well as bloggers all over the globe. Long story short: it worked. Read the full story here.

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