Saturday, May 19, 2007

Back to Floggin' the Blog

After being wicked sick early in the week, and digging myself out of my inbox after that, I've got a lot of catching up to do with the online world--- but let me start with something I should have posted about last week.

In Camille's latest column on Slate, she expounded on Bush, Hillary, the political debates, and Rosie O'Donnell:
Bush seems increasingly passive and hemmed in. We get sporadic declarations of stirring resolution, followed by long, vague periods of desultory indifference, as the dead and severely wounded are shipped undercover stateside. Bush's utter inability to project steady, consistent day-to-day leadership on Iraq certainly betrays his lack of control of this mission from the start.

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[In the Democratic candidate debate] Hillary kept doggedly doing a cringingly bad Southern drawl for African-American audiences and then had the audacity to suggest it was evidence of how gloriously "multilingual" she is after living in Arkansas. Pass the mint juleps, Auntie Mame! We sho' never heard that lip-smacking down-home gumbo when little ole Hillary was first lady of Arkansas and then of the United States.

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Rudy and Hillary seem weirdly analogous in their glibness and artificiality. Of course, they've been symbiotically locked for years: Hillary owes her senatorial rank to the New York Democrats who drafted her (a non-resident of that state) to counter Rudy's anticipated run, which never materialized because of his illness. If she's Sister Frigidaire (her youthful nickname) and the Queen of Denial (Bill's enabler), Rudy is a casuistical crypto-priest of ramrod rigidity. Billing and spooning with Judy on Walters' show, he seemed like a puritanical poker coming up through the runny butter-cream frosting like a 5 o' clock shadow.

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I greeted with relief the news that Rosie O'Donnell will be leaving ABC's "The View." Joy Behar will get some oxygen at last. What a crass solipsist, clod and yahoo O'Donnell is -- and what a bad advertisement for both liberalism and lesbianism. I thoroughly enjoyed Donald Trump putting the shiv to her with his eye-opening insults of withering accuracy. The list of O'Donnell's faults overfloweth -- beginning with her stentorian humorlessness and her infantile rudeness to her cohosts and ending with her crackpot conspiracy theories and her constant flaunting of her banal regimen of antidepressants.

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