Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Harare Horror

How long can Mugabe tighten his death grip on his country? How much more disastrous can this get? First, Mugabe destroyed his country's agriculture-- then he presided over the demise of the economy, ushering in crippling inflation. And all along the way he oppressed his own people's basic freedoms and human rights.

But yet the situation wasn't horrendous enough to convince a sufficient number of Zimbabweans to vote Mugabe out, resulting in the current political stalemate. And now a cholera outbreak is sweeping across the country.

State hospitals and clinics have been shut across the country and the lack of money to buy water treatment chemicals means many major urban centers have not had clean water for over a year. Because of the breakdown in the water system, residents are having to drink from contaminated wells and streams.

"There is a general sense that everything is beginning to break down," said a senior Western diplomat, who described the situation in Zimbabwe as "low-grade anarchy" rather than a "mutiny".

In a clear sign that President Mugabe's hold on his state security machinery is starting to crumble, his once-loyal soldiers ran amok across the capital on Monday after they failed to access their paltry wages in the cash-strapped banks. The unarmed soldiers fought with heavily-armed police and several were arrested.

It was the third outbreak of such violence since last Thursday. The sight of rampaging soldiers was then unprecedented. Army sources said an inquiry had already begun, with dozens facing courts martial. Unconfirmed reports say three of the 12 soldiers who took part in Thursday's riot have been killed.

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