Monday, November 24, 2008

Football Season Gone To Shit

As if a 5-5 season (last in the NFC south) wasn't bad enough for the New Orleans Saints, things have gone into the crapper for team owner Tom Benson. Benson (owner of various dealerships throughout southern Louisiana) has typically parked a mini-fleet of new Chevrolets at the team facility in the hopes of getting some of his employees to make a purchase.

The scuttlebutt is that the players have never really appreciated the obvious sales pitch, due in part to the perception that they aren’t offered much of a deal. This year, some of them have finally made their feelings known.

On Saturday, when players arrived at the facility to continue preparations for Monday night’s home game against the Packers, more than one of the cars was coated in human feces. (note from the Daily Dude: if there were pix available on the net, I would have them for you-- honest!)

It’s believed that two or more players were responsible for the mess, but no published sources have yet to confirm the names of any suspects.

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