Friday, March 23, 2012

Santorum Tries To Pray The Gay Away

Sex columnist Dan Savage responded this week to Rick Santorum's statement that he was "praying" for him:

"Rick Santorum thinks that women who have been raped should be compelled—by force of law—to carry the babies of their rapists to term, he thinks birth control should be illegal, he wants to prosecute pornographers, etc., etc., basically the guy wants to be president so that he can micromanage the sex lives of all Americans...and I'm the one with issues? Because I made a dirty joke at his expense eight or nine years ago and it stuck? I'm the one with issues?"

If you'll recall, Dan Savage sponsored a 2003 contest in which his readers voted to redefine the term "santorum" as "the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes a byproduct of anal sex". Savage set up a website to spread the definition, which quickly led to a google-bomb on the former senator's last name.

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