Monday, November 9, 2009

In The Name Of The Father, Son And Public Transit

An Atlanta bus driver is on suspension following reports that he forced passengers to pray before allowing them to exit the bus.

Christopher James was one of those passengers. James initially thought something was wrong when he rang the bell to get off the bus and the door didn’t open. James said the bus driver asked him and three other passengers to join hands in prayer. James said the driver prayed with the group for about four minutes.

James’ cousin, who arrived at the bus stop to meet him, said she saw the men standing inside the bus, but didn’t realize they were praying. “I was like, ‘Why were y’all praying on the bus? He said the man would not let them off the bus,’” said Thembi Cresser.

Atlanta's MARTA transit agency suspended the bus driver for five days and told him not to proselytize to passengers.

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