Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Me Thinks Thou Hate Too Much

If you're still living in Oklahoma, there's still time to get the hell out before the whole state goes completely to shit.

Despite the fact that registered Democrats still outnumber registered Republicans by about eleven points, the electorate is voting more and more Republican. And don't forget that Oklahoma is the only state in which not a single county went for Obama. And the GOP controls both houses of the state legislature for the first time in the state's history.

But the icing on the cake is the bizarre party platform recently adopted by the Oklahoma GOP. The 27-page document, which covers a whole gamut of issues (healthcare, education, philosophy, crime, economics, environment, immigration, insurance, transportation, defense, foreign policy, social security, agriculture, election reform, taxation)-- is freakishly obsessed with homosexuality. Although the issue of gay marriage is covered very early in the document, the paranoid Okie GOP still managed to work in over a dozen other gay references (courtesy of Obsidian Wings):

Page 2: As Republicans, we believe: . . . In traditional marriage consisting of one man and one woman . . .

Pages 4: Traditional marriage, consisting of one man and one woman, is designed to provide for each family member’s physical, emotional, financial, spiritual, and social well-being . . .

Page 5: We affirm the state’s recognition that marriage between one man and one woman is a covenant relationship, instituted by God, not to be entered into casually, and is fundamental to our very existence and survival as a nation. Therefore, we strongly support a U.S. Constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman. . . .

Page 5: We support Federal and State legislation, which prohibits recognition of same-sex marriages, civil unions, and/or domestic partnerships . . .

Page 5: We oppose efforts to redefine marriage. Employers and taxpayers should not be forced to violate their convictions or to bear the cost of granting “same-sex marriages” the benefits that are due traditional marriages . . .

Page 6: We believe that in order to encourage and protect family values, those promoting homosexuality or other aberrant lifestyles, should not be allowed to hold responsible positions over children which are not their own or over other vulnerable persons . . .

Page 7: Except for adoption by a qualified relative (as defined by existing law), we support adoption only by traditional families . . .

Page 7: We oppose the promotion of homosexuality, the elimination of laws against sodomy, and the granting of minority protection or special status to any person based upon sexual preference or lifestyle choices . . .

Page 8: We believe that homosexuality is not a genetic trait but a chosen lifestyle. . . .

Page 8: We support programs including faith-based organizations that promote traditional marriage, marriage enrichment, abstinence education, and encourage responsible parenting.

Page 9: The traditional family unit, consisting of a (husband) man, (wife) woman and child(ren), is the foundation of our social structure. The Oklahoma Department of Education and various Boards of Regents should uphold and teach this definition of traditional family, at all levels of public school and higher education….

Page 10: Any mandated sex education shall hold to the following guidelines: Neither homosexual nor extramarital sexual activity shall be presented as safe, nor shall they be presented as morally or socially acceptable behaviors; HIV shall be presented as incurable and fatal.

Page 12: We oppose the portrayal of homosexual or promiscuous behavior in a positive light in public schools.

Page 16: We oppose the erosion of our military’s readiness through:
a. “Gender-norming” for training and promotion.
b. Co-ed basic training and housing.
c. “Sensitivity training” that supports or promotes the homosexual lifestyle.
d. Openly practicing homosexuals serving in the military.

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