Saturday, May 23, 2009

Burris Broadcasts His Own Brand Of Bullshit

Through a spokesman, Blago-tainted Senator Roland Burris said yesterday he heard a loud bang at take-off [of his Washington-to-Chicago flight]. Once the plane was in the air, the noises became deafening and the plane began to shake. The pilot announced to the passengers there was a hydrolic system failure and the plane would be making an emergency landing in Pittsburgh. Emergency vehicles met the plane on the tarmac upon landing. Burris helped an elderly woman off the plane.

But one of the passengers immediately began twittering on the incident: "Senator Burris was one of the first off the plane. Haven't seen him since." said one post. "Reading news reports re: emerg. landing. Burris did not help elderly woman off plane, nor was there a loud bang. He's lying."

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