Thursday, February 7, 2008

Abusing Prescription Meds No Joke

The New York City medical examiner announced yesterday that Heath Ledger died of an accidental overdose of painkillers, sleeping pills, anti-anxiety medication and other prescription drugs. The cause of death was "acute intoxication by the combined effects of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam and doxylamine".

The drugs are the generic names for the painkiller OxyContin, the anti-anxiety drugs Valium and Xanax, and the sleep aids Restoril and Unisom. Hydrocodone is a prescription painkiller. The coroner didn't say what concentrations of each drug were found in Ledger's blood, or whether one drug played a greater part than another in causing his death. "What you're looking at here is the cumulative effects of these medications together," she said.

OK, so let me get this straight-- Heath Ledger just accidentally was abusing prescription drugs . . . wouldn't common sense tell the average person that you shouldn't take six medications at the same time?

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