Saturday, April 20, 2019

10 Other Revelations from the Mueller Report

1. White House press secretary Sarah Sanders admitted she lied to reporters when she claimed that "the rank and file of the FBI had lost confidence in James Comey.  She admitted to the Mueller investigation that the statement was based on nothing.

2.  Donald Trump Jr. was a mouthpiece for Wikileaks, posting social media messages and sharing links on Hillary Clinton and the Podesta emails at the direction of Wikileaks.

3.  Trump directed members of his campaign to find Hillary Clinton's deleted emails.  Many in the campaign were involved in the effort, including Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Conway, Barbara Ledeen and Peter Smith.  Emails suggested that Smith himself was in direct contact with Russian hackers.

4.  Disgraced Blackwater founder Erik Prince funded the analysis and authentication of the Hillary Clinton emails for the Trump campaign.

5.  Paul Manafort had lost millions prior to joining the Trump campaign and hoped that his new job with Trump would help him get Rusian oligarch Oleg Deripaska a visa in exchange for dropping a lawsuit against Manafort.

6.  Hope Hicks hung up the phone on Vladimir Putin on election night, thinking it was a hoax call.

7.  Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort managed to avoid being charged for violating campaign finance law by being too stupid to know they were breaking the law.

8.  The secret dossier prepare by former MI6 agent Christopher Steele claiming that a compromising tape of Trump was in the possession of powerful Russians is backed up by the Mueller investigation.

9.  After Trump exhorted Russia to hack Hillary Clintons emails at a July 27, 2016 campaign rally, it took Russia's intelligence service only five hours to electronically break into Clinton's personal office and obtain the emails.

10.  Mueller's investigators conclusively established that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich did NOT help leak Hillary Clinton's emails

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