Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tucker Carlson Has Always Been a Jerk, Apparently

It shouldn't be a shock to most people that Fox host  Tucker Carlson has been discovered to have made a series of shocking comments about women prior to and during his employment at the right-wing cable network. 

Media Matters for America sifted through hours of Carlson’s previous appearances on the program “Bubba the Love Sponge,” between 2006 and 2011 (he was hired by Fox in 2009).  In more than a dozen clips compiled by Media Matters, Carlson regularly aired misogynistic comments on the air, used demeaning terms to describe prominent women, and defended the actions of Warren Jeffs, who had been accused of facilitating the marriage of an underage teenage girl to an older man.   During a discussion of “miscegenation,” Carlson refers to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears as “two of the biggest white whores in America.”

Carlson was also revealed to have said that it wasn’t worth invading Iraq because it’s “a crappy place filled with a bunch of, you know, semip-literate primitive monkeys.”

Carlson also once characterized Afghanistan as a country that's “never going to be civilized. . . because the people aren't civilized."  Saying on the air:
“I just have zero sympathy for them or their culture. A culture where people just don't use toilet paper or forks.  They can just shut the fuck up and obey, is my view.”
When confronted with his history of offensive comments, the famously misogynistic host attempted to distance himself from them by saying he was simply caught “saying something naughty.”

In 2006, Carlson said this about a teacher having sex with a 13-year-old student 28 times in one week:
"So my point is that teachers like this, not necessarily this one in particular, but they are doing a service to all 13-year-old girls by taking the pressure off. They are a pressure relief valve, like the kind you have on your furnace."
In 2010, he made the following comments on then-Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan (now a justice):
"I got to be honest with you. I don’t like [Kagan] and I wouldn’t vote to confirm her if I were a U.S. senator. But I do feel sorry for her in that way. I feel sorry for unattractive women. I mean it’s nothing they did. You know, she didn’t. Nobody deserves that. And men are just mean. ... No, it’s just absolutely fundamental ― physically, the problems with her are fundamental. She’s never going to be an attractive woman."
In 2006, he referred to Martha Stewart’s daughter Alexis as “extremely cunty”:
"She just does seem a little cunty. I mean you said it; I’m just agreeing with you. I don’t use that word because it’s offensive."
These comments offer a stark contrast with the outrage he expressed last year, when comedian Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump a “cunt”--  “That one word that she used ― I don’t know any man who uses that word because it is kind of the one word that is actually degrading,” Carlson said at the time..

In 2006, he commented on the elimination of rape shield laws, meant to protect victims of sexual assault:
"If I’m alleging rape, I have the protection of anonymity. I can say whatever I want while hiding behind anonymity, while the person I accused, whether he’s guilty or not, has his life destroyed. That’s totally unfair."
These comments demonstrate an appalling ignorance of rape shield laws, which have never prevented alleged rapists from confronting their accusers.

On women in general (in 2007, when he was 38 years old):
"I mean, I love women, but they’re extremely primitive, they’re basic, they’re not that hard to understand. And one of the things they hate more than anything is weakness in a man."
That's right, weakness-- such as immaturity and ignorance.

The following advertisers are reportedly still continuing to buy ad time on Tucker's show:
  • Progressive
  • My Pillow
  • Elite Singles
  • StarKist
  • Super Beta Prostate
  • Jenny Craig
  • POFS
  • Bayer

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