Friday, March 15, 2019

Trump Tries to Distance Himself From White Nationalism After NZ Attack

Donald Trump has been extremely careful not to offend his white nationalist base around the globe after one of them slaughtered 49 people in two New Zealand mosques. Trump lamented that innocent people “senselessly died,” and mourned the “horrific events.”

This all might seem normal except that the white nationalist responsible for the massacre had invoked Trump by name as “a symbol of white identity and common purpose” and left behind a manifesto which was riddled with racial slurs and called immigration “white genocide.” Still, Trump found no harsh words for the murderous ideology behind the New Zealand tragedy. Given the chance to denounce white nationalism at a press conference, Trump shrugged it off as a few bad apples.  When asked by a reporter if white nationalism is a growing threat, Trump replied, "not really," suggesting it's just a small group of people. 

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