Saturday, March 23, 2019

Trump Used Bone Spur Excuse to Avoid Viet Nam-- Let's See The X-rays

As Donald Trump continues to attack, criticize and whine about the late war hero and former Arizona senator John McCain, a new query has emerged. During an interview with Anderson Cooper, former U.S. Senator Bob Kerrey, a colleague of McCain’s who also served in the Vietnam War, said he wants something from Trump. Kerrey wants evidence of the bone spurs that Trump claimed he had in order to dodge the draft. Turns out you don’t outgrow bone spurs, so it’s relatively easy to confirm their existence.

Kerrey, a former governor of Nebraska, is demanding that Donald Trump get some new X-rays, because he believes that while John McCain was in Vietnam risking his life, Trump was falsifying medical records.

Trump’s bone spur excuse is essentially him that saying he would have served, if he could have served. Like the majority of the entire world familiar with Trump, Kerrey is not buying it. He’s disgusted and he’s unafraid to say so.

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