Monday, October 6, 2008

Campaign 2008 By The Numbers

700,000,000,000: Dollars it takes to clean up reckless deregulation by John McCain and Phil Gramm;

25,000,000: Dollars it takes to build a road to nowhere (Sarah Palin);

18,000,000: Dollars in salary and bonuses Washington Mutual CEO Alan Fishman will earn for three weeks on the job;

300,000: Dollars it takes to dress up for a political convention (Cindy McCain);

59: Percentage of Americans who think the economy is the only issue in the presidential campaign;

25: Percentage of Americans who approve of George W. Bush's job performance (a new low);

20: In the bizarro world of Sarah Palin, the percentage of American oil that comes from Alaska

13: Number of houses that constitutes too many to keep track of (John McCain)

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