Monday, August 14, 2023

Steve Miller Says Pop Tarts are Gay and Sexualize Kids

Remember that creepy white nationalist who worked in the Trump White House?  It looks like Steve Miller now has a beef with Kellogg's, and has filed a complaint with the EEOC, about not only racism in Frosted Flakes, but gay Pop-Tarts!

Miller’s right-wing nonprofit organization America First Legal has sent out a series of tweets highlighting its complaints that Kellogg’s “appears to be using company resources to engage in illegal racial discrimination.”   Very quickly you realize that Miller and his team of race-war obsessives are claiming that “Kellogg’s hiring, training, and promotion policies and programs are infused with woke ideology.”

Because Kellogg’s is making a pledge to try and diversify its business (both in terms of race as well as gender) that means  (to Miller) that they are discriminating against white men. In Miller’s white world, the only truly capable employees are white ones. Male white ones. But this isn’t the worst of it. According to America First Legal, Kellogg’s “has discarded the Company’s long-held family-friendly marketing approach to politicize and sexualize its products.” 

In 2022, Kellogg's released a limited-edition cereal in partnership with GLAAD-- but Miller thinks that the company is using its iconic characters to advance "an extreme social agenda."  The same year, the company released a limited-edition “NEON Pink Block Party Lemonade Pop-Tarts.” The box illustrations depict cartoon drawings of people waving rainbow flags-- oh, the horror!  So I guess if you eat those Pop-Tarts you’re totally going be turned gay or trans or something.  That’s in the Bible, right?

So now Kellogg’s joins the ranks of Chik-fil-A, Cracker Barrell, and Budweiser as targets for their war on woke. What is “woke”? Anything that isn’t white and male and Christian conservative.


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