Sunday, January 20, 2008

"W" Stands For Waiting

One year from today we will have a new president-- whether he be a she, Democratic or Republican, that day unfortunately can't come too soon. No sooner had Bush made his speech last Friday on the economy, the stock market took a nosedive.

While economists at the Federal Reserve predict that growth in the U.S. economy this year will be "slow" and "below trend", the International Monetary Fund is predicting healthy growth in the Iraqi economy-- 7% for 2008 and 7-8% the year after that. Why are we continuing to print money and burn it over in Iraq when our own economy is failing? If Bush had taken just a fraction of the nearly $500 billion we've spent in Iraq over the last five years and invested that in the U.S., there's no telling where we'd be at this time.

Message to George: I'm not sure anybody is really listening to you anymore; just let Congress take care of getting us out of the recession. The only thing we need you to do in the next 366 days is get us out of Iraq-- short of that, just stay at home and play with Barney and Miss Beazley. No foreign trips, no speeches on terrorism or immigration-- you'll only piss off the few remaining countries that don't already hate us.

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