Saturday, June 9, 2007

"I'm Not Adam-- I Just Play One On TV"

Eric Linden, an actor who plays Adam in a video aired at a museum promoting creationism and other religious theories, has led a different life outside the Garden of Eden, flaunting his sexual exploits online and modeling for a clothing line that promotes free love. According to an Associated Press story, the bible-based Creation Museum in Kentucky pulled the 40-second video in which he appears-- after learning about Linden's extracurricular activities.

"We are currently investigating the veracity of these serious claims of his participation in projects that don't align with the biblical standards and moral code upon which the ministry was founded," Answers for Genesis spokesman Mark Looy said in a written statement.

The actor, Eric Linden, formerly owned a graphic Web site called Bedroom Acrobat where he was pictured, smiling alongside a drag queen, in a T-shirt brandishing the site's sexually suggestive logo. The Web site, which has a network of members, allowed users to post explicit stories and photos. Just after initial press reports begin to hit the street, the site was brought down and ownership of the URL transferred to another party.

He also sells clothing for SFX International, whose logo appears to spell "SEX" from a distance. It promotes "free love,""pleasure" and "thrillz."

Linden, a graphic designer, model and actor who grew up in Columbus, emphasizes in his public statements that he is no longer affiliated with the Bedroom Acrobat site, and has handed the domain name off to somebody else. Ownership records available through the NetworkSolutions database show Linden registered the site 18 months ago. He also said he no longer posts to the site.

Linden said he is very proud to play Adam. "But just because I'm Adam on the screen, that doesn't mean I'm Adam off the screen," he said. "What I do shouldn't have anything to do with who they think Adam is."

The clip he appears in is one of 55 featured on tours of the museum, near Cincinnati in Petersburg, Ky. The museum tells the Bible's version of Earth's history — the planet was created in a single week just a few thousand years ago. The museum pulled the clip after learning about his online activities from reporters.

Linden, who now lives in Los Angeles, said his modeling work for the clothing line is just one of the many jobs that make up his career. He said he has great respect for the founders of the Creation Museum and their vision.

"For the Creation Museum, I did what I did as an actor. It doesn't necessarily mean I believe in evolution or a believe in creation," Linden said. "I'm hired to get a point across. On the flip side, if I was hired to play a murderer, that doesn't mean I'd go out and kill somebody. It's make-believe."

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