Saturday, March 9, 2024

One of the All-Time GOP State of the Union Disasters

Whether it’s Marco Rubio getting so very thirsty, or Bobby Jindal going from darling of the party to has-been in 15 minutes flat, there's something about a Republican response to the State of the Union address that inevitably generates a field day for comedians.

From the faux kitchen setting, to the going all out for the lead in the seventh-grade production of “The Crucible” energy, to the garb that reminded many viewers of a character from “The Handmaid’s Tale,” Katie Britt’s performance in the GOP response to the State of the Union might be the response to end all responses. The Alabama senator projected her best mom-who-would-definitely-take-out-your-kid-so-her-daughter-could-be-head-cheerleader vibes, wandering through a whispery, dystopian hellscape in a kitchen that seemed eerily devoid of life.

Since appearing on America’s televisions, Britt’s drama club delivery has been the subject of a baffled response from Republicans as well as a vast number of social media memes.   It was so awful that, as Rolling Stone reports, Republican commentators were burning down Britt’s performance in real time.

During her speech, Britt told a brutal story of a woman who had been a victim of sex trafficking. The Alabama senator heavily implied that this story had happened in America under President Joe Biden’s watch. However, journalist Jonathan Katz quickly disassembled Britt’s story and found the real woman behind the claims.  Britt’s story was based on the tragic abuse suffered by Karla Jacinto Romero, who told her story to Congress in 2015. As it turns out, the horrific events that she survived happened nearly two decades ago (between 2004 and 2008) and occurred in Mexico, not the U.S.

In her response to the brutal mockery of her speech, Katie Britt refused to apologize for use of the misleading story.


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