Saturday, May 27, 2023

Twitter Disaster Masks a Real Danger

Ron DeSantis officially announced what has already been clear for months-- he is running for President.  But rather than popping in to make the announcement on the constantly fawning Fox News, DeSantis took his announcement to what he viewed as an even friendlier stage—a chat with Elon Musk on Twitter.

Unfortunately for the Florida governor--who squeaked into office with a 0.4% victory before being lauded as the future of the Republican Party-- his big day was reduced to another example of Musk’s often expressed policy of “fail fast and fail often,” a philosophy that, like most things Musk, was actually lifted from someone else and exposed as facile foolishness years ago. 

DeSantis was caught embarrassingly between stretches of silence that lasted minutes at a time, or when all anyone could hear was Musk or others at Twitter mumbling about their inability to fix the problem. When the event got up and running, it was mostly Musk’s army of blue-check fan-boys taking the opportunity to praise him for his mega-genius while DeSantis waited off to the side. But by focusing on the Twitter disaster, many media outlets are missing the real disaster-- that DeSantis is considered a viable candidate for president.

DeSantis’ policies include banning books, forcing educational facilities to instruct along lines of ideological purity, using government power to punish organizations that dare to speak up, sending SWAT teams after people for voting, making diversity and equality programs illegal, and enforcing bigotry against groups that constitute a small minority of the populace. These policies are textbook fascism.

Fascism that should be, and must be, recognized and denounced by the news media on every occasion when it is expressed. Treating Ron DeSantis as if he is an acceptable candidate in the mainstream of American politics is an act so dangerous that every red flag and fire alarm should be sounded. Disguising what’s actually happening by papering it over with the made-up term “Trumpism” is a deception America can’t afford.


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