Sunday, May 15, 2022

The Catholic Takeover of the Supreme Court

Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts has made it clear that he believes the government should force women to give birth to the babies of their rapists. No exceptions for incest or rape-- none. Under Republican government in Nebraska and elsewhere, a 12 year old girl raped by her father will carry that pregnancy to term. 

It's a position that is almost required, if one truly believes in the "personhood" of a fertilized egg with no organs or nervous system. Pete Ricketts doesn't know a thing about medicine, but has strong religious convictions that he believes should override medical knowledge—not for him, but for every last American of every religion (or no religion) in any circumstance, enforced by the powers of the state.

This is what is coming. Republicans have vowed they would do it ever since racist evangelical leaders of past decades latched onto abortion as a means of galvanizing support for a Christian nationalism-premised erasing of the last half-century of gained civil rights. The leaked news that the Supreme Court the Republican Party packed exclusively with Catholics is on the cusp of ending federal abortion rights means that Pete Ricketts and other Republicans like him will now use their power to implement whatever faux-religious rules their base demands of them.

What has gone under the radar is that SEVEN of the current Supreme justices were raised Catholic-- John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett.  Neil Gorsuch is Episcopalian, but was raised Catholic.  So is it any surprise that their moral foundations (shaped by their Catholic upbringing) are leading to a theocratic Supreme Courth?

And their GOP enabler/co-conspirators are not being subtle about what's coming next. They don't believe they need to play games anymore, now that they have a Supreme Court that will back their theocratic moves every step of the way.

The South Carolina state Senate recently passed  H 4776, misleadingly titled the “Medical Ethics and Diversity Act,” which would essentially permit medical providers, health care institutions, and insurance companies to deny care to LGBTQ+ people based on their religious, ethical, or moral beliefs, as covered by local outlet ABC News 4. If signed into law, these workers would be protected from any civil, administrative, or criminal penalties.  If all that sounds like discrimination, you’re right.  And if you don't think this Supreme Court will allow it in their Catholic/Christian vision of our country, think again.

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